downloading avast for first time

I have downloaded the free avast program twice unsuccessfully. I uninstalled norton, too pricey. It gets to the point where I am instructed to close all windows to safely procede, but if I do that how do I stay online to start up the program?? Boy am I in too deep! I hoped it would be easier, as I am not to computer saavy. Can anyone hlep me get started with this program?

Welcome to the forum.

First of all, make sure norton is completely removed. There are removal tools here.

Once you are sure norton is completely removed, down load avast, if you haven’t already. Save it to your desktop(easy to find there ;D). Close any open programs you have runnning. Double click the file you downloaded. Follow the on screen instructions.


edited to add

ps you don’t have to be on line to install avast!

Thank you for your help! I will use the information you gave me to make sure I completely got rid of Norton. However, I did manage to download Avast, hopefully correctly, before I saw your reply. I went ahead and copied the file to my desktop and while still online, opened it. It seemed to work ok, and instructed me to restart the computer, which it did. It didn’t occur to me that I should be offline! Then it gave me a complete scan and booted me back up again. Do you recommened I also download something called ad-aware? I want to be as protected as possible without emptying my pockets, and my friend has this, too.
Thanks again.

I’m not sure if you can run the norton removal tool after installing avast. It sounds like everything went alright. Maybe just hang on a bit and see if any problems appear, or maybe someone else can comment on this.

Adaware, why not, it works well with avast and gives you a little more protection.

If problems occur, you could uninstall avast, run the norton tools, and re-install avast.

And make sure you update the definitions file of any security program running. Avast can be set to update automatically. AdAware (free) you manually update it. Only takes a minute.
Got a firewall?

No, I have no firewall that I know of. Would that be a good idea? Are they free, too. As far as the definitions file- how do I update that. Doesn’t avast just automatically update?

Not just a good idea an absolutely essential part of your security.

Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.

Check the Program Settings > Update (Basic), section and ensure that it is set to automatic, see image.

There is a built in firewall in WindowsXP (if that’s what you’re using) That is very good against inbound, but does not monitor/block outbound. Means it’s fine, only as long as there is no malware on the computer that might want to “phone home” You can find it in the control panel, it will probably already be turned on. If it wasn’t, you’d be seeing a red security shield in the taskbar.
Updating of AdAware is straightforward (except that recently it hasn’t been updating too well at times. This is a Lavasoft server issue) When you open the program, near the bottom right, just above the start button is a link that reads “check for updates now”. In fact, after installing the program, it will prompt you to do this.

:slight_smile: Hi RoxyLou :

 One of the 1st "things" one should do when posting on a forum is to mention the NAME of your
 Operating System, so that recommendations can be made for programs that use that
 particular Operating System. One of the "facts" of using an antiVIRUS program is that as little as
 possible of any other antiVIRUS program should NOT be on a computer.
 When I started out, I used the recommendations of a Senior Member of the Alliance of Security
 Analysis Professionals, who has a website at : .
 Nowadays his "commentary" on firewalls I do NOT agree; I still have the Free Sygate Personal
 Firewall. You can find info on the Good ( some of them FREE ) firewalls at either :    OR .