Downloading AVS Dicrepancy

Just curious why when I download AVS the download says for instance 60,430 bytes but when the download is complete it shows 60,235 bytes was downloaded. What happened with the 195 bytes.
Am using Avast Home 4.8.1229

There is perhaps a very simple explanation for this, so would be grateful if somebody could explain it to me.


Maybe some incremental file detected in between, after the update process had begun… I’m not sure either, but I won’t give that much importance to it :wink:

So are you saying there is an incremental file every time the AVS is updated, because this happens every update ??

You know I never pay much attentions to these details (and I’m on dial-up) and the reason for that is avast has an integrity check to ensure what has been downloaded is correct.

So I don’t know if that means that there is some for of integrity bits attached, but again it isn’t something that I worry about.

The Incremental update checks your current version against the latest available and downloads the difference - When you download the data of the incremental update there is first the download, second a checking process and third the installation process. So you can be assured that what you get is correct.

If whilst downloading a packet is lost, that packet is sent again, so that is just one possible cause of the difference in figures, I really have no cast iron reason for the difference, but again nothing to worry about.

OK if you say there is nothing to worry about I suppose I have to be satisfied with that.

birka1 :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.