Downloading error

I have not been able to download updates the last couple of days (or so the error message says). I get the following error message:

Function SuperCopyFile () has failed. Return code is 00000005.

Any ideas as to what may be wrong? I’d appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks for your time and help.

Jeri Lynn

Please read THIS and let us know if the problem is solved.

Yes, the information you directed me to did help. My problem is all straightened out now. Thank you very much for your help. Now if only you handled other software problems besides Avast . . . . :wink:

Thank you for your timely and efficient help. How refreshing!

Jeri Lynn

No problem, glad to see it is solved. :smiley:


Now if only you handled other software problems besides Avast . . . .
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