could someone please tell me why i have to turn off avast if trying to download of the newsgroups when using newsleacher , all i get is an icon appear which looks like a police helmet with mail coming from it and if i scroll over this icon ,what appears are connection addresses, sorry if this is a lame question but i have only just installed avast
Is there some error message from NewsLeecher or how does it misbehave ?
What avast version (whole build number) do you have ?
thanks for reply the error i get is that of the files that I’m downloading keep starting and stopping every 5 secs unless i stop on-access protection as soon as i stop on-access protection it works perfectly, and downloads flat out, the version I’m running is home 4.6 also i get no error message on newsleacher thanks for your time
forgive me if I have misread your posts but it appears that you do not have any problem downloading from the newsgroups.
It seems that the problem is the way NewsLeecher is appearing to you while Avast is involved with the scanning of your downloading from Newsgroups.
Perhaps I can try to explain what it is you are seeing.
I should say up front that I am not familiar with NewsLeecher, I use XNews but I am pretty sure the same thing affects both.
Before the 4.6 version of Avast it did not scan newsgroups as they were being downloaded for threats. The scanning of newsgroup downloading (NNTP as it is known) was introduced with Avast 4.6 and is part of the Internet Mail provider.
Before Avast got involved I suspect that you were used to seeing a progress bar on NewsLeecher that showed even progress of the downloading of each post from the newsgroup as it was read block by block from the newsserver.
With Avast involved in the scanning it doesn’t work that way anymore.
Avast now sits between NewsLeecher and the newserver. As each post is read in block by block the data is passed to Avast (not to NewsLeecher). Avast buffers each post and when it is completely received Avast scans it to ensure that it contains no threat to your system. When that is done Avast then passes the complete post (all in one go inside your system) to NewsLeecher.
So instead of seeing the steady movement of the progress bar you will see it rush across followed by a gap while Avast is buffering the next post and so on.
The buffering and scanning by Avast can involve a very slight slowdown to the overall downloading process, as it does for any other protection you enjoy from Avast but unless there is some other problem you have not related then the issue is just how you see the taskbar progress in NewsLeecher.
The “blue light” taskbar icon can be turned off, if you wish, in the Internet Mail provider.