Okay I’m usually a computer geek but I downloaded the “avast! Free Antivirus” and finished it now I am trying to download Skype for my daughter and it keeps telling me download error. I don’t know if its because the software isn’t letting me because of some kind of special setting or what!
-Please help me!
You need to provide some useful information.
What operating system, XP/Vista/Win 7/ Win 8 and is it 32 or 64 bit. Exactly what happens when you try to download Skype - are you talking about downloading the Skype software, or actually using Skype. Exactly what does the download error message/s say.
Have you tried temporarily turning off each of the individual shields starting with the web browser.
Depending on exactly what you are trying to do, you might also try disabling the browser AOS add ons/extension.
If you had a previous A/V before avast, did you completely remove it using the proper removal tool for that AV, or did you just use the standard Windows uninstall procedure?
Exactly what version of Avast did you install - the current version is 2014.9.0.2011
Did you reboot after installing Avast?
What exactly is the error message? ???