Hi, how do you evaluate Driver Booster 3 free edition? (iobit.com)
Please insert link to Microsoft Fix It Center.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Hermie
Hi, how do you evaluate Driver Booster 3 free edition? (iobit.com)
Please insert link to Microsoft Fix It Center.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Hermie
And what have IObit and MS fixit got to do with each other ?
And why should we post a link to MS fix it ?
It is really easy to find.
Hi Eddy, I have read an article about staying secure in a national dutch newspaper.
Their advice: keep drivers always up to date with drivers booster 3.
To diagnose windows : ms fix it, acc to me fix it seems to be changed into center, not sure about it though.
Why not post the correct ms link for me?
Best regards, Hermie
There are many different types of driver and some you are best leaving alone unless you have a specific issue with one of them.
I have been using this system for almost 8 years and I have never gone hunting drivers to update - windows in itself updates system drivers and they are the ones to keep up to date and then only through the standard windows update.
Personally I wouldn’t use any iobit software as trust is something which is hard to gain but easy to lose. Just do some searches for iobit and mbam.
Their advice: keep drivers always up to date with drivers booster 3.Why trying to fix something if it isn't broken ? ;) I agree with David, IObit is not trusted after what they have done with the MBam database (and likely others also).
MS Fixit.
No need to use any part of it if there isn’t a problem.
Why not post the correct ms link for me?Come on, it isn't hard to type two words in the google search field.
Thanks @Eddy and @DavidR for your replies.
I was not aware of any issue between malwarebytes and iobit.
The message is clear to me, I will not update any driver(s), I will not install iobit, I got mbam aboard, and I have found ms fixit myself.
Kind regards, Hermie
You’re welcome.
Thanks DavidR.