While I was logged in on my.avast.com, I used the Support link on the page and I was redirected to the Support site.
The Support site did not recognize my Avast Id account, though, so I was logged out. When I submitted a ticket, the Support site automatically created a new account for me.
Now I have two Avast accounts: one that works on my.avast.com and the forums, and a second account on the Support site. Both accounts are registered with the same email.
When you were directed to the support site and clicked submit a ticket. From the new screen there is an option to Login - did you use that, I suspect not. If you proceeded with a ticket then avast would have to create a new my.avast.com account entry so that it can essentially track it.
Yes, what you suspect is exactly what happened.
I didn’t even notice I had been logged out, therefore I did not try to log in.
I realized that when I was informed a new account had been created.
So, what do I do now?
Well there isn’t much you can do in relation to the submitted ticked - you will get email notification to your existing email address. Presumably you have already received an automated acknowledgement ?
Obviously to login to the support site and view/respond to the ticket, etc. you would have to login to the newly created account.
But, David, are you able to log in to support.avast.com using the same credentials (email id and password) you use on my.avast.com ?
Yes, that is what I did from the image I posted, but in your case I don’t believe you would see anything related your support ticket ?
If that is the case, just use the newly created my.avast.com account to log on to support for anything related to the support ticket.
Actually I closed my ticket, since I realized the issue was related to my Android rather than to Avast.
The problem now is I cannot log in to the Support site using my my.avast.com email id/password.
I guess that’s because the Support site automatically created a new account with same email id.
I changed my email address in the duplicate profile on the Support site, to no avail. Could not find a way to delete that account, either.
Are you able to login the your my.avast.com account, using the account credentials created by the support ticket ?
Even though it has the same email address, the password should surely be different.
If you are able to open my.avast using those credentials, I would have thought there wouldn’t be any devices connected to it ?
No, I can’t log in to my.avast.com account using the account credentials created by the support ticket, not even changing the email id to another email address of mine. Well, I’ll leave it there.
In a way that is better no possible confusion over my.avast.com accounts and the supports site creation, but a little strange that you (I) can login to the support ticket side with your my.avast.com logon.