Dutch version

Where are the Dutch version off Avast! 4.8**and 5.**versions.
there are not in these link.
{ http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download#tab4}
I hope one of you can tell me that.

Thanks Gerard.

Not sure if this will help you, but have you tried the one called " multi-lingual / multi-language "

As far as i know , the dutch language isn’t available yet :frowning: , see here : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=54623.0 , maybe there you’ll find more help :slight_smile:
Cheers .

It takes a long time for the Dutch translation is ready i hope it coming soon out

As we know the translations are done by ( mostly ) volunteer translators, and it is very time consuming work. As we are expecting a new release one of these days, maybe the Dutch translation will be added too ? We have to be patient :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Thanks jou all for the info.
I wait and see it later.


Yes, Dutch is there http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=58183.msg490305#msg490305