DVDDecrypter.exe false positive?

This is an old exe file that I have had for years, but today Avast detected a threat.

Virustotal.com gives a 2/46 result:

Could this be a false positive?

Yes. You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php

Virustotal.com gives a 2/46 result:
actually just one...as GData use avast as one of its two av engines
Could this be a false positive?

First seen by VirusTotal2009-06-05 14:52:16 UTC ( 3 years, 11 months ago )

absolutely :wink:

OBS and Next time, post virus and false positives problems in the virus and Worms forum section

Pondus is right here, also consider this info here: http://www.file.net/process/dvddecrypter.exe.html
The find up of registry defragmentation could have been a reason for that FP…
But it has never been seen as a threat: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.runscanner.net/lib/DVDDecrypter.exe.html&sa=U&ei=AI2LUcKFEonE0QX4voDIDg&ved=0CBgQFjAAOAo&usg=AFQjCNHNrSSom1DOxAxJSM2AIZfbnKxBYw
and also here: http://www.threatexpert.com/files/dvddecrypter.exe.html


OK guys, I assume it would be safe to restore the file from the chest. I would like to use it, you see.


You’re welcome.