Can I use the “Last Virus” string to create a dynamic computer group showing all my “red”-icon computers?
None of my computers are marked with red, so nothing is coming up, and that’s not surprising. But I’m trying to test this by created the inverse computer group – give me all my PCs with a “green” icon. I still don’t get any PCs coming up.
Is there a way to do this or is the “Last Virus” key not the right one?
I’m not sure, if I undestand correctly…
Name of group is not important, it can be “red computers” as well as “infected” What is more important is condition syntax:
“last virus” != ‘0’
Dynamic group is condition not policy…
I’m not sure if I understand question - without agent client cannot communicate with AMS, it is not visible for AMS server
I am sorry if there miss statement, but what did i mean if client not installed with avast Netclient and then client go to visit one of harmful website and let say got infected by conficker. Whether ADNM will mark this clients when he trying to attack thru network?
So Administrator could track which clients has been infected and attacked thru network, which condition mostly clients don’t installed with NetClient yet.
It says another computer has to allow us access to that network. There are no other computers. We reset the router and tried again. We still get the same problem. Mc Afee will not let us log into the router after we protect it.