Dynamic groups bug?

I just created a dynamic group
called it Online

i made the expression: AND lastcommunication < minutesago(30)

to me that means: show all the computers that communicated with the AMS less then 30 minutes ago

if the answer to the above right? is NO then dont read on if it is YES then read on:

in the list of computers in my Online group i see computers that have been communicating with the AMS more then 30 minutes ago
some even from beginning of the month…
i do sometimes live on latin american time, but even there 30 minutes is not a couple weeks :wink:

is my expression incorrect (or my view of expression builds within avast) or is this actually something that AMS didnt do good

I never use those features. It does seem like you’re doing the right thing, but I don’t know why it wouldn’t show the correct info. Sorry!

I use conditions:
AND version agent "= ‘’
AND lastcommunication > minutesago(18)
(when my agents are configured to communication with Pop interval 300 s)

And I recommend also combination (in other group) with condition
AND version VPS != MAX
for determination PC´s with actualization problem

i have given it another try with my hoursago communication…

i am puzzled tho becuz:

i use this:

where communication < hoursago(1) this gives me the computers that communicated MORE then 1 hour ago…
where communication > hoursago(1) this gives me the computers that communicated LESS then 1 hour ago…

to my logic < is LESS and > is MORE so there is a flaw in the logic i guess?

My understanding would be that hoursago(1) represents a given point in time - e.g. when called at May 20th 2008, 2:34pm, it represents May 20th 2008, 1:34pm. And, “communication < a_point_in_time” means communication that occurred before that point…

so to make it clear for myself

when i make the expression commmunication > hoursago(1) (this is the expression u get when u fill it in with the wizard) it would be like:

run the expression at given time: 14:00 04-june-2009
it would mean: get all workstations that communicated after 13:00 04-june-2006

this also a bit unlogical since the impression from the expression is give all clients that communicated more then 1 hour ago

Yes, correct.
I agree it’s a bit unlogical but as far as we tested it works. So
commmunication > hoursago(1) means ‘during last 60 minutes’
commmunication < hoursago(1) means ‘communication in more than 60 minutes’