E_FASKEKA.DLL False Positive

This morning Avast started flagging this file.

It belongs to the EPSON WorkForce 600 Series printer though.

Is there anything I can do prevent this? It wasn’t flagging it 'till the latest update.

you could upload it to virustotal.com and post the result here. so we can see if it a threat or false threat.

and welcome to the forum.

See this topic post, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=52281.msg442559#msg442559.

I get this

0 bytes size received / Se ha recibido un archivo vacio

When I try to upload to virus total.

You are either getting an alert before you try to upload to VT, in which case avast blocks all activity on that file. Or you are trying to send from the chest with the same result.

I suggest you read the topic link I gave as it will save you further effort trying to upload.

I just submitted a false positive report to avast :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help. I guess I’m not the only one x__x

Hi Missing, I also had this alert & have an Epson NX200. I went through all the delete process but it would pop up again when I tried to print. I removed all the software & printer, did a fresh install from the Epson disc but Avast kept interupting the install, finally stopped Avast to get the printer re-installed. I ran Win defender & it did not find any viruses. I think it was a false alert, I got too after the last update. deains

You’re not the only one :stuck_out_tongue: obviously, there’s quite a few users experiencing these things. If you think it’s a false positive I think the best action to take is to report them and click no action, which is what I did today and two weeks ago when avast went haywire O_o

We just have to wait on the new vps update from avast and we should all be fine :slight_smile:

There will be another virus database update today. Check it out with the new one.

Latest vps update fixed this issue, just reboot and everything checked out fine.

Avast! team is too good :slight_smile:

Thank you :-), but the success in not 100%. Few minutes ago come to us another report about falsely detected Epson driver (with SHA256: B1BD1FF0F1954FE5E3A48866DF77047E6D56CCDFACEA9EA7E81975EF6880494B). I prepare second “extra” VPS update fixing this issue

I’m sure you’ll get them all as they keep coming in :slight_smile:

Assuming that even more come in O_o