E-mail probs

I have been using Norton for years and was always wary of changing AV software ie (Best the devil you know than the devil you dont) was my attitude, but a friend of mine talked me into trying Avast,
I have been using MSN and Hotmail but now when i try to access my e-mail it keeps coming up with a blank page, can anyone tell me if there is any special settings as far as this goes, my OS is XP pro.
would appreciate any input on this.

Do a search on the forum for Norton and you will see a heap of problems when you try to remove it from you system


Check this thread out. Oh and welcome

  • Remove Avast
  • Remove NAV
  • Reboot
  • Reinstall Avast

How to completely remove Norton (Symantec): http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606