e-mail protection

I’ve discovered and tested “insert note into clean mesage” ( text version ).

From times to times, the text isn’t inserted in e-mails.

Does is means that :

  • the e-mail hasn’t been scanned
  • it contains virus ( but I don’t have any notification )
  • there’s a problem with e-mail scan.

How can I be sure that the message that doesn’t contain the text is safe ?

Has someone still encountered this problem ?

Thank you for help.

Sincerely from France.

Sorry, but all my outgoing mails are scanned thus the attached “clean message” is always present.
Nice to see another french on the forum.
BTW when we’ll we get a french translation, next version ?

It should not happen…

But, do you configure avast! to scan ‘all your email accounts’? Even those created in the future? Run Mail Protection Wizard from Start Menu… Probably, if the note is not added the e-mail hasn’t been scanned… (I suppose you have 4 notes files into //Aswclntg.htm, Aswclntg.txt, Aswinftg.htm and Aswinftg.txt

How can I be sure that the message that doesn’t contain the text is safe?

See if there is some added text to the message header:
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS …date…), Outbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS …date…), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

The first two lines refer to message sending. In the first line, there is information about the version of the virus database and whether it is outgoing or incoming message. The second line contains results of file scanning. If it is not infected, the word Clean should appear; if it is infected, the word Infected would appear instead. If it was not scanned, then the words “Not tested” would appear. If these lines are not in the headers at all, it probably means that the message did not pass through the Mail scanner, and thus the system is not configured properly.

Avast is configured to scan all accounts even those created in the future.

Today, I’ve received e-mails that don’t contain the text and one contains it at the beginning ( how can Avast be sure there’s no virus if the text is not inserted at the end of the e-mail )

I’m not talking about the beggining of the body message (text). I’m talking about the ‘header’. See Right click a message > Properties > Details or the font code of the message. You will see:
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 28/11/2003), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Does the file ashMaiSv.exe is running in your computer?
This is the Mail server for avast! If it is not running, you are not protected…

For the message that doesn’t contain “message clean” in the body, the message is in the Header.

Can you explain me why, in some e-mails, the message is not inserted in the body ?

I’ve send an e-mail to myself and I’ve seen that in the header, following text is inserted :

  • outbound message status clean
  • inbound message status clean.

Avast! works really good.

Thank you to all for this free software.


I guess I’ve been a little confused by that “add note” option myself. Although I’ve got it supposedly turned on for both incoming and outgoing, I’ve never seen anything except in the header (I use Eudora, by the way).

Maybe the extra header lines is all that’s meant by a “note”?

Is it possible, in a future release, to add a checkbox in “Internet Mail” ( just like insert note in clean message ).

If “insert note in …” is checked, the message is always inserted in the header. If this new box is unchecked, no message is inserted in the body of the e-mail ; and if checked, the message is inserted in the body too.

Let me try again, sorry if I confuse you…

The ‘lines’ are always inserted into the header of the message.
The ‘note’ is only inserted it the user ask to

In both cases, if you are using the Internet Mail provider you can be alerted that your email is being scanned by an icon on the system tray. :wink:

Is there a way to NOT insert the header lines ?
I really hate all those lines everything adds to the headers

Currently it cannot be disabled. I don’t think it’s too annoying.

Talking about the headers, I agree with you vojtech 8)
The notes at the body could be easily removed… 8)