I recently downloaded Avast 4 Home on my computer (Windows XP Pro SP2) to test it. I’m not really familiar with Avast anti-virus.
This morning, when I tried to open and read my emails on Microsoft Outlook 2003, an error message came out sayng “impossible to scan message body” or something like that. The mail opens after that however… But I get the same error message for each email opened.
I only did one thing on Avast before I encounter this error : I stopped the instant messages scan service from the menu (because no instant message service is in use on that PC).
I next tried to put it back to normal, but didn’t find how ^^’
If anyone could help to solve this, I’d be greatful
Windows Service Pack 3 has been available for almost a year and contains several Critical Security updates plus performance improvements you need to start Internet Explorer then go to Tools then Windows Update and download all of the available updates.
Also you should enable Automatic Updates or at least be notified that Updates are available.
Go to Control Panel then Automatic Updates then select Automatic (recommended) or at least Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.
Old antivrius on that computer was Norton antivirus. However, no need to uninstall in order to get rid of it, in my case. I recently had to format PC’s HDD to fix a hardware problem and all data on it is gone (nothing critical). I next began to reinstall stuff and applications, and thought it was my chance to test Avast. So I downloaded and installed it as well. It worked fine for a weak. And this morning I got the message mentioned above.
So, in your opinion, an Xp SP3 update would solve the problem?
To tell the truth, I was avoiding this update on my own, knowing that Xp SP3 needs more ressources than SP2.
Hoaxes… SP3 is a must-have security update.
I suppose that when you’ve installed Windows from the scratch (format) you did not use recovery disks, but the Windows CD itself. Sometimes, recovery CD\DVD’s bring the computer back with an antivirus installation (trial period).
I was about to set everything up to date but lacked of time this week end et couldn’t do anything…
Anyway, when I lunched MS Outlook yesterday, the problem was gone and no error message ever appeared again on open emails… without doing anything for that.
A conflict must have occured, but not sure where it came from.
I’ll set that pc up to date and tell you more if I find something.