E4GT Cyanogenmod Epic Touch 9 Test results

Phone - Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch
Rooted - Yes
ROM - http://e4gtcm.blogspot.com/

Note: This is not a comprehensive test

Test Results:

Mark lost/stolen
Siren on/off (I tried to trick it by turning all the volumes off, still works)
Deny android debugging
Locate phone
Lock/Unlock phone
Send Message
Launch Avast UI
Call Phone (Great implementation)

Not working/Sketchy:
Deny access to app manager (I was able to uninstall an app while marked as lost. It kicked me out a couple times, but it wasn’t consistent.)
Deny access to system settings (Seems hit and miss. I can get into advanced settings just fine, other menus kick me out.)

hi just tried your issues regarding app manager. Can not reproduce.
a) Which Android version does your ROM implement?
b) What exactly did you do to cause the issues?