EASEUS Todo Backup (free backup and restore data)

G’day all,

Has anybody used this free backup and restore data software call EASEUS Todo Backup http://www.todo-backup.com/products/home/ by EASEUS, I would like to see your review and comments about this software because I’ve never heard of this product before.

Thank you.

I’ve used EASUS Partition Master many times and found it to be excellent.
Great for disc cloning and it can resize a live NTFS Windows partition on the fly.

Interesting, they have singled out apps - deleted file recovery, backup, and disk copy - for free distribution.

EASUS brand is quality products but I imagine the competition is fierce and they feel the need for a promotional exercise.
I would be surprised if there were disappointment - looks ideal for home and personal computer users

I’ve been thinking about this too mkis and it worries me :-\

Talking in general

Most software companies are having trouble making money with the Freewares around.

I think they must focus more on educating people that their technology is better than the freeware ones

But most freeware are light and easy :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m struggling to navigate their site, I seem to be going round in circles.

I can get to where I want, thats not the problem. I just wonder is all this other roundabouts to the same pages necessary.

Their products like the partition editor and the disk copy are great…

I’ve used the disk backup several times and always works well.

I used the partition editor for the first time a few weeks ago for a customer and it worked flawlessly. In my opinion, they’re great products.
