A couple of years ago my laptop got stolen from my home. I had a strong password for logging in to windows and I’m wondering if it’s easy for someone to figure out this type of password? Or maybe they just erase everything somehow to be able to sell it?
You did notice that this was a couple of years ago, so I somehow doubt the police would be interested, even if it were a couple of weeks ago; all you are likely to get is a crime number for insurance purposes.
@ firmafest
If it is stolen then it doesn’t matter what kind of password you have on it, its toast, as you say it is so easy to do a low level format clearing the disk completely. Unless of course the thief is a tech n00b, they will be selling it on cheap and at that point it is likely to get a spring clean or someone would try to harvest the data from it.
That is possibly your most serious concern, so with portable systems you should consider encryption protected folders/partitions or drives to protect your sensitive data.
Oh my god :(. How am I supposed to live with the fact that someone else has all my private things? I know you’re not a psycologist but that’s awful.
And how do I create encryption protected folders? Do I need a special programme?
Most newer laptops will let you create a Hard Drive password that cannot be easily defeated. You create it in BIOS and it is required before Windows even boots. Keep the password in a safe place because if you forget it, you will not be able to recover your data. Some manufacturers have a master password but proof of ownership is required before they will give it. I am wrong on this. This is for a BIOS password.
There are lots of ways to break the Windows login password.
For instance: OphCrack.
If you have really private things, the better will be encrypting the whole system (with, for instance, TrueCrypt).