Easy One

Ok, so I have a few virus reported my the console. What next? Go to each machine physically and remove the viruses from the Chest, then go back to the Consol and mark the machine as clean?

Seems like a very inefficient way of handling that situation. I did read the whole manually and didn’t see any reference to this.

Is there no central location?


Why would you delete the file from the chest?
If you’re planning to do so, wouldn’t it be better to configure the clients to delete the virus straight away?

BTW there IS a way to control remote chests in the current version, but there’s no GUI for it so far. Let me know if you want to know the details (the GUI will be added in the next update).

I can wait for the next uodate.

It just seems logical to me to clean the chest of infected files, and than mark the system as clean.


great idea! looking forward to see this solution.
but files in chest shouldn’t be a risk

I agree, they shouldn’t be a risk. But I am a neat freak and like it all nice and tidy. :stuck_out_tongue: