EasyPass stopped integrating with Chrome

My EasyPass version seems to have stopped integrating with Chrome v. 41.0.2272.118 m.

I keep checking Chrome box in options & it asks me to close browser to apply changes but nothing changes. Have rebooted but again no change. Do I need to uninstall?


Reinstall EasyPass and see if it solves the problem.

Outdated version, update to and try again.

Hi Asyn,
Interestingly there doesn’t appear to be an update feature on EasyPass other than on the options/version page where both the “Check New Version” button & “Notify about new versions” check box are greyed out. Is this normal?
Why is there no auto update facility?

Where/how can I get the updated version please?

Hello. Download it from HERE :wink: Close all browsers and install it “on top”. If the problem still remains - remove it completely and re-install it from zero :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: That seems to have done the trick thanks YLAP.

Can you let me know how to make sure it upgrades in future as the “check new Version” button on the Version page of options is still greyed out

There is no such option available at this moment. I’ve created a topic and I will try to update info as soon as possible about the latest version available :slight_smile:

Had the same problem (no Chrome integration). install/deinstall/reinstall had no effect.
Solved via manual installation of extension to Chrome as to “Chromium and Chromium-based browsers”
Open Extensions Page in Chrome then in EasyPass / Options / Browser Integration / “Chromium and Chromium-based browsers” checkbox. DragnDrop an extension icon from EasyPass to Chrome Extensions). Worked in my case.