Echec de la fonction "usiGetSkin"

bonjour,mon antivirus me délivre le message "echec de la fonction “usiGetSkin”
alors j’ai cliqué sur FAQ et ai suivi la procédure pour windows vista( ) mais cela n’a pas fonctionné:j’obtiens le message “le module ACTSKIN4.OCX a été chargé mais l’appel à DLLRegisterServer a échoué avec le code déerreur 0x80020009.”
Auriez vous une autre solution a me proposer? Je vous en remercie à l’avance.

Google translation:

hello, my antivirus issue me the message "failure of the" usiGetSkin " so I clicked on FAQ and I followed the procedure for windows vista ( but it did not work: I get the message "module ACTSKIN4. OCX was loaded but the call for DLLRegisterServer failed déerreur with code 0x80020009. " Would you suggest any other solution I propose? Thank you in advance.


Hello Stanislawa,

First please remove your email address from the post as it in not necessary and you may be targeted for spam.

Second, this is really an english only forum so could you use a translation service please (

-Can you try a repair of avast?
Start–>control panel–>add/remove programs -->avast antivirus → click remove → scroll down and click repair
(I don’t know how accurate the translation will be)


Bonjour Stanislawa,

Tout d’abord s’il vous plaît supprimer votre adresse email dans la poste, il n’est pas nécessaire et vous mai faire l’objet de spam.

Deuxièmement, c’est vraiment un forum anglais seulement pourrait vous utilisez un service de traduction s’il vous plaît (i.e. google)

-Pouvez-vous tenter une réparation d’avast?
Démarrer → Panneau de configuration → Ajout / Suppression de programmes → avast antivirus → cliquez sur “supprimer” → faire défiler vers le bas et cliquez sur la réparation
(Je ne sais pas comment la traduction exacte sera)

Hope this helps,

-Scott -

OT: google translate is crap, it can’t even get hello… right (puts is the wrong way round)

About the “usigetskin failed” issue, if the repair does not solve it:
You will have to register ACTSKIN4.OCX
Follow the instructions:

Select START > RUN…
Enter the following command:
If you have Windows NT or 2000:
If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME:
If you have Windows XP/Vista:
If you have Windows XP/Vista x64:

Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear…

For some reason, ActiveSkin (the 3rd party library avast uses for skinning) does not seem to be working on your system. As a workaround, we may disable skinning in avast - that should solve the problem.

To do that, open the file \data\avast4.ini, look up the [UserInterface] section, and add the following entry:

Tech, the faq link that they have in the post is a link to those instructions, so they have already done this, causing them to get the error message

( "module ACTSKIN4. OCX was loaded but the call for DLLRegisterServer failed déerreur with code 0x80020009. ")

What else should they do, besides a repair?


EDIT:[OT] That faq page needs to be updated to include the 64 bit version like in Tech’s suggestion (in all languages)

Ta tu essayer de downloader un nouveau skin de Avast ? Si oui je crois peux etre que sais sa le problem mais si tu veux en savoir plus je crois tu devrais suivre le conseil de mes copains anglais eu y vont taider.

Sorry guy to double post but is the french forum for the support forum ?

“avast forum for french speakers”

looks like it, but I don’t know if its official, and it is not as popular as this one


hello, my antivirus issue me the message “failure of the” usiGetSkin "
so I clicked on FAQ and I followed the procedure for windows vista ( but it did not work: I get the message "module ACTSKIN4. OCX was loaded but the call for DLLRegisterServer failed déerreur with code 0x80020009. "
Would you suggest any other solution I propose? Thank you in advance.

Ihave tried all that you explain to me but nothing was working.I think i will errase my avast and thak it again.I think it s possible a virus that makes this problem.thank you


Follow these steps to reinstall avast:

*** It is probably a good idea to download the newest version of avast before starting this***


STANISLAWA, is there any other antivirus installed in this machine? Does it have in the past?