email >3Mo not removed from pop server

Hi (Bonjour),
I have got difficulties with email reception when its size is higher than 3Mo.
With avast mail agent active, >3Mo email are note removed from my pop server so I download it as far as I have removed it manually via a web interface…

Configuration : AVAST 6.0.1367 / Thunderbird 8.0 / pop wanadoo

Do you have any idea to help me ?

Best regards (Cordialement),


Hi Jérémie,

Do you mean 3 Mb or do you have problems here:
Use the “deletereadreceipt” link. The mail client should not give problems, your ISP could,



Do you mean 3 Mb
=> I do not know all differences beteween each contries. I think my 3Mo might be your 3 Mb.
(for me : 1 méga-octet (Mo) = 220 octets = 1 024 Ko = 1 048 576 octets)

My problem can be sum up by : when mail are big I down load it without removed it from server.


Why do you think this is related to avast!..??

Are you getting any error meassages when you try to download files more that 3Mb/Mo from your email. And is this issue is happening after you install avast!?

I though it is avast… because there is no more difficulty when I put off Avast input mail scan.
But I have made some other tests. There is no dificulty with a “” email box… so there is something between avast and wanadoo (an not an honeymoon.


And there is no error message… only a mountain of identical messages ???