Email Accounts

I´ve got about 10 email accounts with different addresses and account names. Does Avast! scan them all or am I able to see the account list somewhere ?

Yes, there is no limit for the number of email accounts (pop3/smtp accounts).
You won’t be able to scan SSL accounts (like GMail) if you do not change your settings (search the board for GMail and you’ll find how).
You won’t be able to scan Webmail using the Internet Mail provider.

Which is your operational system?
Which is your email program?

What would help would be what your email program and OS are.

Generally all pop3 accounts will be scanned by avast, depending on your email program, etc.

Web based accounts (web mail), that you view using your browser aren’t directly scanned by the Internet Mail provider but should be scanned by the Standard Shield once on your HDD.

Which is your operational system? Which is your email program?
  1. Windows 2000 Pro

  2. MS Outlook Express, Ms Outlook, Foxmail and Mozilla Thunderbird

All mail accounts use pop3/smtp accounts.

I also use Gmail pop3 account with Foxmail and Thunderbird and the only thing what I did was changing SMTP account to the same as my default mail accounts use without SSL autenthication. Somehow it works :slight_smile:

Then you should be ok, you will obviously need the Outlook/Exchange provider/plug-in for MS Outlook.

I did something couple days ago and that plug-in disappears from MS Outlook.

Sorry I can’t be much help with MS Outlook as I don’t use it. You could try to start the Outlook/Exchange plug-in again and see if it appears in the MS Outlook list?

Sorry I can't be much help with MS Outlook as I don't use it. You could try to start the Outlook/Exchange plug-in again and see if it appears in the MS Outlook list?

Sorry but now it seems that I don´t know what you mean by plug-in ?
Couple days ago when I started MS Outlook I saw that plug-in message with Avast and after that I change some settings from MS Outlook and shotted down my computer and then re-starting again and MS Outlook also and that plug-in messages was gone.

It´s very hard to explain in English :frowning:

Make sure the avast plugin is not disabled into MS Outlook:

Outlook 2003 > Help > About > Disabled items
Outlook 2000 > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.

It´s not anymore disabled I ment :slight_smile: