Email alert

Hey guys,

Small bug I think I have found with the email alert, when it emails you and tells you what task was used it just says “%3”, below is a copy of the email:

“avast! [MY-PC]: File “” is infected by “EICAR Test-NOT virus!!!” virus.
“%3” task used
Version of current VPS file is 100324-1, 03/24/2010”

Not sure if that is meant to show or something else? :slight_smile:


It’s mean you just download or opening some website like (AV and Malware Lab) which is the file is infected with virus or malware.

This email alert is very useful for IT Administrator to manage or monitor each user on his environment.


Hey Yanto.Chiang,

I get what it is meant to do, I was just wondering about where it said what task was used, I thought it would have said something like ““Connection Aborted” task used” than just “”%3" task used" seems like the %3 is a missing link in the avast! code?