Email alerts not sent when virus detected

At the Computers catalog level I set the Virus Alerts to email me when a virus is found. I’d already configured the SMTP server at the SMTP level. I dropped an EICAR test file on one of the test machines but although Avast picked it up straight away I didn’t get an email alert. The mail.log file on the machien hasn’t been modified in days, the File System Shield log shows the detection but nothing else. The logs on the mail server confirm nothing was sent, what’s going on here? Is there any way to get it to send a test email?

Edit: I’ve also added a WinPopup Virus alert for a test machine and pointed it at the IP address of my Windows 7 desktop. I didn’t get a popup or anything in my Windows event logs from around the time. How can I tell if alerts are being triggered at all?

Edit2: On further investigation it looks like it’s only firing for the on demand scan, not the on access scan. Is there a setting somewhere for this?

I believe you have to reboot the client PC after the install before the alerts work. I would make sure you do this before going crazy testing it.

I wouldn’t exactly call dropping the EICAR test file on a test system and then scratching your head when you don’t get an email alert about it’s detection when you’ve specifically set it up to do that ‘going crazy testing it’ :stuck_out_tongue: What I don’t understand is why one scan type sends notifications but not the other?