Email attachments with URL style name being blocked by Exchange filter

We are using Endpoint Protection Suite Plus version 8.0.1490 and recently our Exchange has blocked email attachments named in a URL style such as someone@somesite.com_343.pdf. I am not sure if I changed a setting to cause this or if it was implemented in version 8 and not 7. Unfortunately more and more of our vendors/customers are using automated systems generating these type of filenames.

I understand the logic of why it is being blocked, but can someone point me to the correct place to alter this behavior should I decide I no longer want it blocked.

Many thanks.

I guess I need to clarify this since no one is responding … it is not Exchange blocking the attachment – it is Avast and is replacing it with a .TXT notifying the user it was blocked.

Anyone? Surely I am not the one on experiencing this as it has started after version 8 was installed.