Email behavior missing.. No email footnote either..

Recently updated to latest AIS version… The email behavior area does not show options for allowing the footnote at bottom of email to show it was scanned., clean or infected for both outgoing & incoming email… All previous versions had that option & even in the help area it shows is still listed there… I removed & reinstalled AIS 2x w/no change… The shield shows it has been scanned but no Avast footnote at the bottom anymore in emails…
Has that option been removed or is glitch being addressed for next version release.?

This was changed from 7.0.1446 onwards and has already been mentioned in a couple of places in this forum, including here.

I have 2 customers sticking with 7.0.1426 for as long as they can but talking about moving from AIS when their subscription expires, and a relative who had avast! Free last time I looked, asked me how to set up SSL email scanning on AVG 2012 last week.

I know it doesn’t add much real security and could easily be faked. I know their are possible workarounds (thanks DavidR).
The bottom line for me is that other vendors offer this and if at least one person has moved from avast! to another product, I’d like to know there was a really strong reason for removing this feature.

My guess if they do a UI program update or install over the top of the current version this will still be retained.

I have mentioned this in another topic (you were probably in it or the originator), the settings for the insert clean note are retained in the emailshield.ini file see image1 and the files that do the insertion are contained in the avast - 1033 folder, see image2.

So if it doesn’t work when they update, then it would be possible to modify the emailshield.ini (using notepad only), example below, the three lines are in the [EmailScanner] section of the .ini file. Their values are =0 for off. I did a test and set the InsertNoteCleanMsgOut=1

<snip other entries for example purposes only>
<snip other entries for example purposes only>

I then sent myself an email on receipt there was a clean note inserted, image3.

So it appears there are more ways to achieve this if the update doesn’t retain the insert clean note option, which has to be preferably to losing actual protection and or fixes for a cosmetic option.

i’m with you on this. Personally if they want to remove it from the free version then go ahead. I paid for the product…the idea of removing features that i and others have paid for is not right.

The idea is removing a cosmetic function that is really pretty worthless as it doesn’t give any additional protection.

The avast VRDB was previously removed (that too was in the paid versions) and that at least had something to do with protection, but over time it had become much depreciated. In all of the time that I had avast with the VRDB I never once saw an instance in the forums of it actually working as intended, malware moved on and made it redundant.

For me there is little point in having functions/features that are depreciated and even less if they don’t have a security/protection purpose.

If you want to have it then follow what I said in my last post.

THANKS everyone.!
At the time of my posting I didn’t have much time to peruse all the forum topics & posts regarding my concern… The prompt replies are appreciated…
Granted it is just cosmetic but is a feature I did like so others as well as myself were aware the email(s) were being scanned… I did try to install the previous AIS but it would not do so as the installer was recognized as a older version & it automatically downloaded the latest…
A tad bummed about the feature being removed but will it cause me to dump & jump to another security suite…, not at all.! Maybe the feature will return in a future update down the road… I would like that…

~Terry 8)

Read my Reply #2 as that has a work around if you still want to use it.

Though I don’t know if I would call that a Feature as it never ‘featured’ in the avast! program Features, it happened to be a setting in the Mail Shield.

what difference does it make in what shield it is found? If its there, its a feature. You talk that it doesn’t make any difference, that it doesn’t affect protection. Well, it doesn’t…but so do alot of other things. Such as the box that produces…‘protected by avast antivirus’ as system login. How does this feature protect the user? And what about the half a million shields that this program has to make it look like we are getting more than not. Where as alot of stuff can be combined into one shield. You should be listening to paying customers. Not picking stuff out of the air.

It doesn’t and it is off by default and it only works on win7 I believe.

I’m an avast user not employee, so I reserve the right to make my own mind up of what is a depreciated option, avast have obviously felt the same way.

so was the email tagging, it was off by default.

It is just used as an example, AVs don’t retain everything that was ever on the original, once they are outdated or depreciated then they are likely to drop of the list of options. With many malware emails purporting to have been scanned by XXX (insert popular email name) and found to be clean, who will or should believe it.

So what purpose would it serve, when avast will alert (visual and audible) and brand the email Subject if it is infected. Not to mention the email headers are also edited as having been scanned (and still are).

lets just agree to disagree. 8)

I guess that is the way it is in life, people have different views of what is beneficial/useful to them.