Email borne worm disables many anti-virus programs

From news: -

A new email worm is landing in email inboxes worldwide, disabling the anti-virus software of the unwary.

Dubbed ‘Here you Have’, it’s a new attack, with the first reported cases appearing yesterday. However, it’s similar to classic old-school mass-mailing viruses like Nimda, Melissa and the Anna Kournikova virus from 2001.

Symantec says the worm disables many common anti-virus products.

It arrives as an email asking the recipient to open a link. However, the link points to a malicious program file disguised as a PDF hosted on the internet. When the user clicks on the link, the malicious file - W32.Imsolk.B@mm - is downloaded and launched. This installs the worm onto the victim’s computer and emailing the original message to everyone in the infected user’s email address book.

Read more here:

Interesting how much of this malware is tied to Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash. They really suck about keeping them patched too.

Check this post about how many false, or inaccurate, versions of this true story are circulating.

This should have been posted in the virus and worm section… :wink: …or in the " Security News " tread

and we already know