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A new email worm is landing in email inboxes worldwide, disabling the anti-virus software of the unwary.
Dubbed ‘Here you Have’, it’s a new attack, with the first reported cases appearing yesterday. However, it’s similar to classic old-school mass-mailing viruses like Nimda, Melissa and the Anna Kournikova virus from 2001.
Symantec says the worm disables many common anti-virus products.
It arrives as an email asking the recipient to open a link. However, the link points to a malicious program file disguised as a PDF hosted on the internet. When the user clicks on the link, the malicious file - W32.Imsolk.B@mm - is downloaded and launched. This installs the worm onto the victim’s computer and emailing the original message to everyone in the infected user’s email address book.
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