When Email guardian is turned on Avast establishes two new folders Safe and suspicious. The safe folder is duplicating the inbox and when I delete one it also deletes the duplicate. Is there a way to either:
a. delete one without deleting the duplicate. or
b. Just simply market the incoming email as being safe?
Are you using Avast One ?
What email program are you using ?
Is this WebMail or email client like Thunderbird ?
I’m using Avast Antivirus Free and the Mail Shield is the name of the email shield and I’m not seeing that duplication in my Thunderbird folders.
I use Outlook client and webmail version. The duplication takes place on both.
I am using Avast Premium.
Gmail is my service
I don’t use any Web Mail client as such.
I just wonder, if whilst the Email Guardian/Mail Shield is doing its checking it does this in a duplicate location so a copy exists if there is a problem, you wouldn’t lose the only copy.
Though I have a gmail address, I view my gmail on my browser (Firefox), but I don’t see any of this duplication that is impacting on you.