Email Problem

Good evening:

I hope I’m in the correct post for my problem. I’m new to Avast since last evening. I am able to receive emails however when I try to send I get the following message “The server does not support a SSL connection” My provider is Bell Sympatico. I went to their website and it says the problem is with the antivirus. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Check your email account settings in your email client.
If they are not correct, change them.

Also let us know what OS you are using.
What email client you are using.

Hi Eddy, thanks for replying.

I did check my settings; my email was working yesterday before I installed Avast. I did try to unclick the SSL settings but I still can’t send and get more errors.

I use Windows XP and Outlook Express.


What is the exact error you are getting?

Hi Eddy: Here it is:

“The server does not support a SSL connection, Account ‘’. Server: ‘’ Protocol SMTP, Server Response ‘250 OK’, Port 25, Secure (SSL): Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number 0x800CCC7D”

Good Luck :slight_smile:

Eddy: I thought I should mention this. I had to reinstall my OS on Monday due to a worm. When I reinstalled I selected Norton as my antivirus however yesterday I followed a friend’s advise to remove Norton and install Avast. Maybe that information will help…


Hi Eddy:

I figured it out…
Avast program settings under SMTP…

Thanks and have a great day tomorrow!!!


[b]Hi, I’m new , and with Bell Sympatico too…Still having the same problem…My Incredimail will not reveive anything and gives me the same error message (or pretty close) as Ontariogirl…it just scans and scans…

Problem is, I still haven’t figured out how to reconfigure Avast to accept my incoming Incredimail… ???[/b]

[b]Could anyone give me a step by step please?..I’d really appreciate it…Love Incredimail but it won’t work since with Sympatico…Won’t even open since last night…



Hi again…

I found this step by step in the FAQ section…

Mail Protection Wizard

Remember that avast handles more than one SMTP server, to configure your e-mail client (program) follow these steps:

  1. Close all your email applications.

  2. Start Windows Menu > avast! antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard

  3. Click Next on the first screen

  4. Choose ‘Setup the protection manually’

I don’t have the “Mail Protection Wizard” when I get to step 2…I get “Help?>Avast Antivirus>Avast website…” ??? ???

How come? I sorta remember configuring emails when I first installed Avast…but can’t recall how or where anymore…

Thanks for your help…


Hello OntarioGirl, and first of all Welcome to forums !

Another avast! forum member from Ontario here… :slight_smile:

I’m really surprised this helped with your problem, since those settings has nothing to do with e-mail settings (send/receive) in Outlook Express. Take a look at this screenshot (avast! Program Settings / SMTP):

You seem to be using XP… and on XP systems there isn’t a Mail Protection Wizard because it’s not necessary.
The scanning is transparent, automatic, you just need to check the SMTP mail to be scanned.

Exactly, except not the way OntarioGirl tried… those setting are just for avast! application in case it needs to send some information back to Alwil or something…

You need to do that inside the avast! On-Access Scanner / Internet Mail provider.

Take a look at screenshot:

Good Afternoon SZ and Everyone:

I’ll be darned…I’ve been away and just tried to send an email and can’t, I get the same error as before. I checked the settings as you indicated and they are set up properly. I have no idea what to do. I can receive but cannot send. (I was able to send email on Friday evening)

Also, there is an error on start-up…it is new since I installed the new internet explorer on Friday after I sent my emails:
“The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL” I have no idea if these are related;

And, I just went through Hotmail to send an email that had an attachment…I was instructed to download ActiveX to send the attachment, however it will not download so I can’t send from there either. Don’t know what my problems are…

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Even if you uncheck the avast option to scan the outbound emails?
Do you use a firewall? Which one?

Search the board for PSAPI.DLL keyword. You’ll find the solution for the error…

I’m not sure but it’s strange that an ActiveX is required to download emails…

:slight_smile: Hi “Ontario” :

 Most likely the problem is related to "new internet 
 explorer", which is probably IE 7 in "Beta" ( not ready for
 primetime ) form !? Many are having problems with it &
 go back to IE 6; perhaps you should do likewise !?

Hi everyone: Thanks for taking the time to respond. I can now send emails from my sympatico account; I just hadn’t followed instructions properly, I thought the “scan outbound emails” had to be checked…so now it is unchecked and working fine.

I found the solution to the PSAPI.DLL in the microsoft website and it is now fixed.

The problem with ActiveX wasn’t to download emails but to put an attachment in an email through Hotmail. I just checked it and it finally allowed me to download ActiveX to perform the task. I don’t know what fixed it because I didn’t try to fix anything other than the 2 problems above. If worse comes to worse I will return to IE6…

Hopefully I won’t have to bother you too much…


Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work fine… Scan Outbound emails MUST be checked in order to protect your outbound e-mails. Someone (I believe it was Tech) from this thread suggested unchecking it just to narrow down the problem. Outbound scanning is as important as inbound is. You have to think about all those people that will receive e-mails from you in the future. If your account is not properly protected, meaning you are protecting just inbound and not outbound too, you’re not fully protected. So, in case you are sending viruses with your e-mails, you won’t even know because you disabled avast! outbound e-mail protection, so nothing will be there to even inform you in case something wrong is going on.

I still believe e-mail account settings inside your Outlook Express are not properly set. Best thing you can do is to open those settings in Outlook Express and take a screenshot of that page where you configured your “problematic” account.

Cheers !

Yes, it’s not supposed to be (stay) unchecked forever…

Hi SZ: Would it be possible to be more specific about what screen shot I should provide? Sometimes I need detailed instruction when it comes to computers and their lingo :slight_smile: I know how to take a screen shot but not for which part of the set up.

Note that I only had a problem sending emails after I had installed Avast, and I haven’t changed any settings in my outlook. Any help you can give me is appreciated.



Open your Outlook Express. Go to TOOLS in the upper MENU and click on ACCOUNTS…

Now, choose your account you’re having problems with, just click on it once. And press PROPERTIES button on the right side:

Click on SERVERS tab and take a screenshot. Now you have to save that screenshot somewhere, so you can take another few screenshots later (we will need them too) and save them as well:

Once you saved that first screenshot, go back to the same window where we stopped. Then click on SETTINGS button:

…after you press on SETTINGS button, you will see this window. Take a screenshot of this window too and save that picture as well:

Now Click CANCEL to leave OUTGOING MAIL SERVER window:

and click on ADVANCED tab. Take a third screenshot and save that picture too. By now, you should have 3 screenshots:

Hope this helps.
Cheers !