Email Problems

Since I have updated to Avast 4 I cannot send and receive mail using Outlook 2002. I never had this problem under the old version. The only way that I can send/receive mail is to shut-down AVAST. What can I do to fix this?

Make sure the avast plugin is not disabled into MS Outlook:

Outlook > Help > About > Disabled items
Outlook > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.

I took your advice and checked for the add in manager and no that is not the problem as Avast is checked in Outlook.

Do you have a firewall, if so which one?

Does it allow access for ashMaiSv.exe (I think this is used for both Outlook/Exchange and Internet Mail providers), if not your mail connection will be blocked and you should be getting errors?

What error messages are being displayed?

Here is the issue. At home I use a wireless NIC card and everthing works fine with Avast. When I am on the road I use a Sony Ericson Wirelss NIC card that is on a Verizon wireless network. This is when I have the conflicts. The message indicates sending and receiving error Your incoming Pop3 email server has reported an internal error. The connection to the server was interrupted.

Yes I do have Zone Alarm Pro. The message is ERR concurrent connections limit in Avast exceeded.

This message comes from the Internet Mail resident provider. You can simply terminate it, as Outlook 2002 is protected by the Outlook/Exchange provider.

Thanks for the response. How do I terminate that function in Oulook?

Make sure the avast plugin is disabled into MS Outlook:
Outlook > Help > About > Disabled items
Outlook > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.

and disable avast Outlook plugin.
Left click the avast ‘a’ blue icon, choose the Outlook plugin, Terminate (Stop) it and click ‘Yes’ to persist the changes.

I meant to disable the Internet Mail, not the Outlook/Exchange. To do that, right-click the “a”-icon in taskbar, click Stop Provider, click Internet Mail and confirm Yes.

Oopss, sorry :-[
I’ve understood the user want to disable the plugin and not the Internet Mail provider :-[