I just recently put avast on my computer. I am having difficulty with my email now. I use outlook. At first I was getting messages from avast about secure connection etc. I found some info on the forum and made the changes to my “mail client software” and am not getting the messages. I am also able to send a test message through the test settings “button”. When I try to sent emails though I get a message sending report error (0x8004210B):the operation timed out waiting for response from the sending smtp… Any ideas on what the problem is or how to fix it? I am not very computer savvy so any responses in very elementary terminology would really help thanks
do you have any other security programs installed ?
whatAV did you use before avast?
have you uninstalled it ?
did you use the vendors removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict?
At first I was getting messages from avast about secure connection etc.do you have a mail account that is using SSL / TLS ?
if so, avast is just telling you it cant scan it …unless you sett it up correct
or if you dont want avast to scan it, you can turn off that pop up message