email scanner not working

I’m running Win98 and use Outlook Express 5.

My email account is IMAP.

I have selected “insert note into clean message” for IMAP and SMTP.

However I don’t see any alert that mail is being scanned, and no note appears in outgoing or incoming emails.

I would greatly appreciate someone’s help with this.


Adohall, welcome…

Can you see in the headers of the messages (Right click the message, choose Properties and Details), for instance:

X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0XXX-X, XX/XX/2004), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

  1. Configure your email accounts to work without the antivirus and test them.
  2. If everything is fine, close all your email clients (programs).
  3. Start Menu > All programs > avast antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard
  4. Follow the non Outlook/Exchange option (i.e., the second one).
    You can choose the supported email programs and select all the accounts
    (even the ones created in the future).
  5. Configure your email accounts to use avast! as antivirus.