A little question.
I have AVAST 4 Home now 6 days on my computer but still does the Email Scanner not sign emails.
What can i do?
I use Online Armor (Premium) and a-squared free and MBAM.
OS:Windows XP Home
A little question.
I have AVAST 4 Home now 6 days on my computer but still does the Email Scanner not sign emails.
What can i do?
I use Online Armor (Premium) and a-squared free and MBAM.
OS:Windows XP Home
Hi Cactusjack,
The email scanner is all very dependant on your email provider (Gmail hotmail etc…) and also how the emails are viewed.
If the email service insists on using a secured connection, then avast! will be unable to scan the emails.
Also, if you wiew your emails through a browser, then avast! will not scan those emails either. You will have to use an email client, such as Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird etc…
??? ??? ??? Avast V5 has everything needed to recreate required ssl connections. That’s the whole point of being able to use the mail scanner
when your email provider doesn’t provide anything else then encrypted connections in POP/IMAP/SMTP …like Gmail Avast will establish a non-secure connection with your email client (Thunderbird or else…), no big deal as that happens locally: and this allows the scanning of mails; while the sll connections to your provider are also established by Avast.
Gmail >>>>>>SSL POP/IMAP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Avast>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NON-SSL (local)>>>>>>>>>>>>E-MAIL Client
Gmail<<<<<<SSL SMTP<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Avast<<<<<<<<<<<<<<NON-SSL (local)<<<<<<<<<<<<<E-MAIL Client
I know this, but Cactusjack is using avast! 4
oh lord I thought I was in the beta section :-[ …OK, so he can use Stunnel
Hi Cactusjack,
The email scanner is all very dependant on your email provider (Gmail hotmail etc…) and also how the emails are viewed.
If the email service insists on using a secured connection, then avast! will be unable to scan the emails.
Also, if you wiew your emails through a browser, then avast! will not scan those emails either. You will have to use an email client, such as Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird etc…
My Outlook Express is 100% supported by my provider.
I have Gmail and Hotmail + Windows Live Mail, but I love these 3 apart from my Outlook Express.
So all my e-mail accounts are separated.
I just want that Avast emailscans in Outlook Express provides of a signature.
And Avast failed here.
First go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then update Please select your country: and Signature: with system information like my signature.
Your ISP has probably gone to SSL email and avast! 4.8 can not scan it without STunnel.
I have been through this problem before and I chose not to scan email incoming nor outgoing but rely on avast! resident protection to find anything malicious tying to run from the email.
I find that avast! beta V5 has not resolved the problem in Windows Live Mail for me either.
To add to what YoKenny has said, Outlook Express is covered by the internet mail provider:
This setting affects MS Outlook and MS Exchange mail clients only. For setting up the other mail clients, such as Outlook Express, Eudora etc., see Internet Mail Provider.
So my post is valid, it wont be scanned without something like STunnel
I have a cable provider and has always worked.
And I also sent an email to Tech Support AVAST for setting the email paramètres.
This are for me the second computer and never have i this problem.
I use earlier Ikarus and NOD32 whit the Firewall of Online Armor (Pro).
But for a second PC are te costs to high,and i choice Avast 4 Home.
I testing OA versions but this problem has nothing to do whit the firewall.
Maybe think somebody in these direction.
Its testing on the OA Fora.
It"s wurking perfecto after a test of the tech support. ;D ;D
Thanks for all the help Boys and its tipical that AVAST tech support always so quick are.
Mutch better than Buy programs.