Hi All - I have just got Avast Premier mainly for spam but it has made no difference - I have it set on the highest setting - I can’t think of anything else to do - anyone have any suggestions - this is just one example of address one came from -ashling@thingzgifts.com.au if that’s any help…thanks mal - ps there’s no way I can read any of the verification codes…
Which mail client…?
PS: Captcha is only needed for your first 3 posts. (Spam protection)
That’s an ISP…
in that case i have no idea what a mail client is…
E.g. Thunderbird, Outlook, etc…
Firefox or Google Chrome
These are browsers.
well i still have no idea
To start with, do you use a mail client or web mail…?
i don’t know sorry but my mail is stored on iinet mail server so my guess is web mail
Well, I/we can’t help you if you don’t know the basics.
Anyway, Avast Anti Spam is only available for MS Outlook.
thanks anyway - i’ll contact Avast - maybe i’ll be up for a refund then
You’re welcome.
I downloaded Thunderbird and begun training it to recognize junk - time will tell if it’s smart enough to catch on…
now have outlook, thunderbird and iinet open so will seen who gets the spam now
I guess you already know this?
How to use iinet spam filter https://iihelp.iinet.net.au/Receiving_Spam_Emails
have read it many times - i think it can learn but only if spam is from the same address each time???
Nope, it is more advanced then that
iinet use spam filter from Ironport systems >> http://www.ironportstore.com/Anti-Spam.asp
-i haven’t had any spam for years but but about 2 weeks ago I get about 7 per day - they all have one thing in common and that is the unsubscribe page is always the same - and yes iinet say their anti-spam is about as good as it gets but does nothing on the latest spam i get - this happened about 10 years ago and I ended up creating a new email address but now so many people/places have it it doesn’t seem like thee best option