Email Tags

Using windows xp, service pack 3.
Using Free Home Edition 4.8
Comcast is service provider.

Internet Mail - went nto customize and inserted check marks to show emaiil tags for incomming and outgoing and
set sensitivity to High.

On both outlook express & windows live mail, NO tags appear.

Is there something else I have to change?

Any help would be appricated.

I believe Comcast uses SSL/TLS secure encrypted email ?
The whole point of that is to keep prying eyes (including AVs) out.

This has two effects:

  1. it means avast can’t insert clean notes.
  2. more importantly, avast isn’t scanning SSL/TLS email as it doesn’t use the standard POP3 or SMTP protocols or ports 110 and 25.

It is possible to have avast scan your email but it requires a third party application, STunnel.

My Comcast email is delivered via ports 110 (POP) and 25 (SMTP) and is scanned by avast. However Comcast does also offer secured ports for POP/SMTP so just check the ports you are using in OE and Windows live mail.

If you are connected directly to the Comcast network then there is really no concern about using the unsecured ports 110 and 25. If you connect to get your Comcast mail from other locations like cafes, airports, hotels then you will need to use the secured connections and use the free product STunnel to manage the secure connections and still allow avast to scan the mail.

If you can wait a bit longer then avast have said that the management of the secure email connections (allowing avast to scan the mail delivered via them) will be provided directly in the next major release of avast (avast 5).

Thanks for the feedback Alan.

Tons of Gmail users are wondering this…

Alan, thank you for the info. You are exactly right.

Thanls again