Emptyng the Virus Chest on free Avast anti virus

I have a notification of a VBS:Malware-gen in my Virus Chest. The location is /private/var/7g/gmv… on so on ending in ISCacheTOC-

When i click the tick box on the lefthand to select this item and then click the X delete link I get a pop up box asking “Restore selected items? YES OR NO” but nothing asking if I want to delete it. How can I remove this file

Deletion is never a good early option, you have no more left.

Files in the chest are:

  1. encrypted.
  2. the file name is also changed.
  3. they can’t be accessed from outside of the chest.

When in the chest they can do no harm.

You may well have seen topics relating to the VBS:Malware-gen false positive in the forums. If this is indeed a false positive then you don’t want to delete it. Ensure you have the latest virus definitions, if necessary do a manual virus definitions update. Then you can right click on that file from within the chest and select Restore. That should send it back to its original location and hopefully this should no longer be detected if you have updated the virus definitions.