Emsisoft Emergency Kit Free portable malware scanner

G’day all,

What do you guys think of Emsisoft Emergency Kit Free as the Emsisoft Emergency Kit contains a collection of programs that can be used without a software installation to scan and clean infected computers for malware, expand the content of the Emsisoft Emergency Kit to an USB stick and make your own universal tool to scan and clean infected PCs.

For information see link http://www.emsisoft.com.au/en/software/eek/

Its ok, imo its bloated and takes forever to scan,usually 2 and half hours to 3 hours for a full scan. Where as Avast! scans in about 45 minutes to about an hour. As for detection I wouldn’t know as I’ve never had it find anything so I don’t know how effective it is.

I would rather use Comodo Cleaning Essentials even though I dont really like how I have to reboot to scan certain areas.

Been using it for years. Its nothing new and very good actually. Its portable and free so why not keep it on a USB stick along with several other programs.

Looks like a good addition to my Active@Boot Disk rescue USB…Right now I have ClamWin Portable on it for scanning. I’ll check this out…thanks!

Yes works like a charm…thanks for the heads up on this. There was a problem with the rar file download from the link given but cnet’s is working fine… http://download.cnet.com/Emsisoft-Free-Emergency-Kit/3000-2239_4-75219878.html

Update: My mistake, I spoke to soon… this product does not work on rescue disk!!