Like a suggestion of one of the forum users, I enabled URL block and in default protecion, blocking too to a many sort of file types (scr, com, bat etc)
What happens?
when a exe or com or scr file is trying to be saved, I have an alert screen, that blinks and where I can choice: allow / allow all / cancel.
This alert screen is possible to operate ONLY with mouse. Keyboard is inoperating in this window - Alt+Tab too.
I don’t know if this is only because my avast! is in portuguese or it’s in all versions.
Well, it would be nice to get access with the keyboard in this window.
Thanks and regards.
Are you sure you’re talking about WebShield?
If you block a link you can’t manage it like you’re posting…
Aren’t you talking about Behavior block of Standard Shield?
it’s easyer if you see the image.
All options in this image are unaccessible by keybord. Only with mouse I can execute a task in this window.
It’s the Behavior Blocker and NOT the Webshield as posted in the first
For me, only the first was blocked… Allow all and Deny worked by clicking ALT+T and ALT+R as shown in your screenshot…
Igor, what’s happening?
Strange… after the first window come… now it’s working, I mean, on the second, on the third… clicking only the letter A (English Interface) is allowing the action :
The problem is that the window doesn’t have focus sometimes - so it doesn’t react to keyboard input until you select it with your mouse.
I must say I don’t know why it’s so, however… :-\
The user should, at least, activate the window and click ALT to show the keyboard links… then the letter of the command…
Ok. Here lives the problem. I use Win2K. I don’t know if this is the same in winxp. What happens?
The Behavior Blocker window blinks twice or three times and loose focus. Alt + Tab is the problem - it’s impossible to bring the focus back to this window. Despite it appears in the taskbar, with Alt + Tab you can’t activate the window again. The only way to bring focus to this window is clickin on it with the mouse. With the window focused, of course, the keyboard links work well.