Enchanced user interface questions....

User of AVAST!4.0 PRO

If a create a copy of the standard “scan local disk” task (in enchanged screen) and i go back to simple screen and launch the “thorough scan” scan from here, does Avast uses the settings of the copied task or does it uses the settings (wich are not so configurable) of the default set ? Or do i have to launch the scanner in the enchanded screen in order to use my manualy configured settings ?




I think the Simple User Interface uses just the original task, not the copy you created in the Enhanced User Interface. I just checked and it seems to be true, i.e. you really have to run your modified scan from the Enhanced User Interface.

Thanks alot IGOR & VLK…This clears many questions up.

I wonder, if i should delete the “standard task” (not copy) would AVAST use the copied (manipulated) task instead ? It has to use some settings and some task in “simple interface”. Or would the standard task be automaticly generated again (with orginal settings) if you launch the scanner from simple interface ?


I don’t think you can delete the default task. Well, in fact you can (which might be a bug?), but it will appear on the next start again.

Waldo what exacly are you trying to change?

Scannign ALL known packers (in default task, some unpackers are not used) I also like to scan whole file and not just beginning or end of the file, also i like to ignore virus targetting.



About the archives – the Simple user interface scans all of them except for CABs
About the scan sensitivity – this is what the Thourough Scan does, really…


simple doesn’t scan for CAB’s (unless they are unpacked manualy, and executed) than the resident scanner picks the nasty up).

CAB’s are windows standard archive format, and commonly used. So, a little pity that “simple interface” (even on PRO version) doesn’t scan this. This confused me, but i see the reason why…The engine used on Home & Pro edition are exactly the same, and Home edition NEVER scan’s for CAB. So this option is only included in the “enchanched interface” provided in PRO.

btw: about possibility to delete “standard tasks”…this should be left out, in a possibell new version (or engine update), as this is to dangerous.

Well, most of my questions are solved now. I know i didn’t asked for the easiest questions,…but like always support of AVAST team is top notch !! :slight_smile: awsome.



I found the solution to let “simple interface” scan CAB’s also :slight_smile:

Go in “enchanged interface” > tasks > Local disks scanner > right mouse > edit task > you get a warning message, not to mess with default tasks > ignore it > go to advanced options ( tick little box in edit screen) >
now select “All unpackers”> press ok > now even in simple interface CAB’s are scanned.

so you don’t have to make a copy of the task, that you can only run in enchaged interface. Make note that a default task can’t be as modified as a copied one. But it solves the CAB’s and unpackers problem. And running a scanner without virus targetting doesn’t provide much more security anyway.


Well, I was trying to say that when you press Delete on a default task in Enhanced User Interface, it disappears (and it probably shouldn’t). However, it reappears when avast! is started the next time, so it’s not really possible to delete the default task.