Hi all,
I just registerd to tell you about my problem.
This morning I found a pop-up on my computer telling me that Avast (home Edition) needs a reboot.
I rebooted and the computer tells me “configuring update 3 out of 3 please wait” and then restart again.
I was a bit astonished, but why not… and same message, same reboot… 2,3,4 times…
I tried to rebot in safe mode, but same problem occured…
I stopped the computer, and can’t boot it again.
If you see the “Configuring update” message, it means that some Windows updates were installed (i.e. it is not connected to avast).
Are you saying that you see the same screen even in safe mode?
Operating system restart needed by avast message could be solved, in some systems, by deleting the file \setup\reboot.txt
If deleting reboot.txt doesn’t stop the requests for reboot check this:
Check this registry entry (right after computer restart):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, if it contains “PendingFileRenameOperations”.
Check its contents and if there’s only “reboot.txt” from avast4\setup folder, delete PendingFileRenameOperations, don’t delete any other key.
Back-up (export) the registry key before you edit/delete, just in case.
The rebooting is quite clearly not caused by avast!, i.e. removing avast! “reboot marker” will hardly help (besides, it might not be exactly easy to remove such a file when it’s not possible to boot even into safe mode).
avast! drivers are not loaded in the safe mode, so this problem is caused by the previous Windows update - whatever it installed. I’m afraid I don’t really know how to fix it, however… “Last known good” doesn’t help either?
Sorry, didn’t understand at the first. Igor is right.
Maybe you can enter in repairing mode of Windows Vista and revert your system back before the Windows Updates.
Yesterday there were some updates released, although they’ve installed correctly in mine… lucky me.