Endpoint Protection Suite (AEA) Client not seen by Windows 7 Pro Action Center

We’ve got 18 Windows 7 PRO pc’s who’s Action center does not see any Antivirus installed

I’ve searched for a resolution on the issue finding links like “https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB81” however they do not resolve the issue (tested on 4 PC’s)

Additionally a Server (2012) running the same client as the afflicted PC’s does not have the problem, so it seems to affect Windows 7 (Can’t speak for other versions 8 - 10 etc)

Any insight on this would be appreciated


Hi Ken,

The issue appeared with the upgrade from 1603 to 1606. A clean install is needed to correct the issue.
you can use the avast clear utility (https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility) or typically just uninstall>reboot>reinstall should correct it.



That sucks! lol

Ok, I’ll give it a shot

Thank you!


That does the trick

Thanks again Jeff