The sales material for Enpoint Protection says that it offers web-based administration. Does this mean that Endpoint Protection can be administered from the web? Having bought it, it seems to want to install the admin tool on my PC.
So, is the admin truly web-based, or does it really mean that I can run an admin tool on my PC through an HTML front-end?
you must install the SOA administration tool,then you can control the clients through the web platform (using any browser with silverlight plugin) of SOA
So the admin tool is “web-based” after I’ve installed it onto my PC? It has to run all the time on my PC (as a service)?
And after I have installed it on my PC, I can access it through a browser on any PC, or only my own PC?
And, I know it’s a stupid question but I’ll ask it anyway: My PC has to be switched on all of the time if I want to use the admin tool from any other PC?
Thanks in anticipation of your further help and information.