Enjoy your Easter eggs to-morrow.

It is all because in old Gaelic lore that the Easter Bunny used to be a chicken before becoming a bunny or hare.
He remembered as a chicken (s)he once laid eggs at the time of Easter,
and so is now running around with a basket full of Easter eggs.

All best wishes to those that celebrate these days, and have your eggs the way you like them best…

polonus aka Damian

Hi guys, Happy Easter one and all…!! :smiley: 8)


Best to all who enjoy Easter where ever in this world :slight_smile:

Happy Easter to all.
I have rabbits in the yard but they have never left any eggs I wanted to harvest. :slight_smile:


Hi bob3160,

Well it is European mythology and old folklore.
Whenever you do not hide the eggs first, you never will find them anywhere near where you live anyway. 8) ;D

Easter morning at breakfast it is a Polish tradition you share your egg in half with your next of kin
with best wishes for the year to come.

Tradition has so much good in it & nice to read on the semiotics of it.
That makes everything so much more meaningful for us wherever we may be as human beings,
and people of all traditions makes it stick together.

For ‘what’s in a name’, the old Shakespeare said.

And you know, bob3160, for some of us life really starts at 70.
We capricorns late-bloomers, ye know.

Happy Easter to ye all, wherever and in whatever fashion you may enjoy your egg,
fresh boiled or as "besengek telor dadar"in Indonesia.

Have a nice day, folks


Happy Easter everyone! :smiley: