Entered incorrect email address on purchase.

Unfortunately, I incorrectly entered an incorrect email address when I made a purchase for Track & Trace. Which obviously means I have not had any activation or order details. I have contacted customer services but have had no reply, therefore, is there a contact number I can call from the UK to speak to someone, please?
Many thanks, in advance. Roger.

If you did enter an incorrect email address, you wouldn’t receive the confirmation, order number, etc. as you mentioned.

Do you meant the Anti Track product ?
How did you try to contact customer services ?

Sales change order details wrong email address given, etc.

Support tickets are handled on a First In First Out order. Whatever you do don’t submit multiple tickets as this throws you back in the line.
See attached image of that link, select that option and click Next, now select the Avast Anti Track Premium (if that is indeed the product you purchased), now enter the required information and the problem, etc.

Using the support ticket system, try entering 00000000 in the order number as you say you didn’t receive one (hopefully that will get through). Then explain the problem (in that support ticket) of a possible incorrect email address entered and any other information to help find your order information and the correct email address (it could be a typo in that but may be close to the correct one).

Thank you DavidR, all sorted now. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.