Entering License Key

I purchased SecureLine for both my desktop computer and my Android phone. The instructions to enter my license key for the phone say there should be a “shopping basket” icon on my screen which I need to click on to enter my key, but there isn’t one.

The program is still working as my free trial hasn’t ended yet. Do I have to uninstall and then reinstall to entr my license key?

Thanks in advance

Hello Zyklon!

This is a known bug which we are already working on. You are right, the shopping basket icon is not there. To insert license in Android SecureLine tap on the text saying how many days of you trial remains. On the subscription screen, tap on the “Use voucher” text in top right corner of the app. There, you can insert your voucher key which you have received. There is no need to reinstall the app.

Hope it helps!



I was just about to post that I found the solution here

I should’ve looked a little further.