EPP and SOA on same machine.


I’m trying to install EPP on the same machine I’m running SOA on. EPP installs fine, but no matter what, doesn’t seem to contact the SOA server to get a license. I’ve gone through the settings->troubleshooting to ensure that the settings are correct, and have even tried changing the server setting to the machine’s own IP, ‘localhost’, and No luck. I still get “30 day trial” on my EPP install.

Any way to force the EPP instance to try to contact the SOA server?


As additional information, other clients on other machines connect to the SOA just fine - so I’m pretty sure I’ve got it configured properly.


Ok - problem solved, and just noting this here for anyone else… This computer was in my “Unmanaged computers” group, and so was getting rejected. I moved it to managed computer and it worked fine.


NOTE: One time I had to temporarily disable the avast! firewall, and then the system was seen instantly!


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”