Err 13 messages in Mac version of avast.

Should I be worried about err 13 messages and what do they mean?

Which do the messages say? Which is the error message?

I have a wide variety maybe permissions issues.

.fseventsd and scan result is err 13.
.hotfiles.btree err13
.Spotlight-V100 err13
.Trashes err13
Users err13

and some others because I’m still scanning.

Error 13 is a normal permissions error. Avast cant scan files it does not have read access to such as certain system files and files of other users

so what is to be done with these err 13 files ? delete or leave there??? this program isnt very straight forward in telling you what to do…

Well I wouldn’t recommend deleting them as these might be system files or files of other users.

Well I wouldn't recommend deleting them as these might be system files or files of other users.

Avast! also says about err13–files like Spotlight-V100: “Does not belong to any package”.
Does that mean that they should be deleted. No other options seems to be available.

Avast! antivirus Mac Edition
Macbook Pro
OSX 10.6.7

No, you should not delete these files labeled with err 13. The Spotlight V100 is essentially its index of the files/folders on your Mac and should not be deleted.

Err 13 is like a access denied message, normal on UNIX-Like systems such as Mac OS X. Future version of Avast for Mac will not report so many err 13 files (or so we are told).

New version will offer human-readable messages instead, even suppressible (from prefs). It’s just about file accessibility, normal under any unix system (where user can’t do everything - including scans of some system files). That’s normal and desired behavior.
