ERR_FAILED on specific site in Chrome

I can’t load this URL in Chrome unless I disable Avast (no, not the addon, the actual Avast program has to be disabled)

Here is the error page I get: Works fine in IE.

Can anybody confirm it with Beta3 ?

Opening for me in Chrome: Version 38.0.2125.0 m (64-bit)

Woprking in Firefox 32.0.3 Windows 8.1 x64.

It’s working fine now.

Thanks guys.

This is still a problem. Now I am having the issue with this URL:

I have illustrated the issue using the windows steps recorder so you can see what I’m talking about. It works fine in IE, but with Chrome that is not the case. Disabling Avast makes it work, Enabling Avast makes it not work again.

Here is the link to the steps recorder file:

I am using the newest .2203 build of Avast. The problem seems to be happening to me with any link at this time.

The problem is the web shield, and the problem still happens on 2204. Rebooting fixes it for a period of time. Turning off “HTTPS” scanning in web shield settings fixes the problem.


please use this utility to generate WebShield logs and send them to me by email. When you are asked about WebShield technology, select StreamFilter (proxy is the older method that is used on WinXP and does not support SSL scanning).

Hi, I just wanted to thank the OP for figuring this out, and report that I am also having the same exact issue.

Windows 8 (not 8.1) 64-bit
Avast 2015.10.0.2206
Chrome Version 38.0.2125.111 m