errata scadenza licenza

salve sono angelo caretto ho acquistato il pacchetto Avast pro 4 numero ordine 9944502 di seguito la fattura da voi inviatami


share-it! Numero d’ordine: 9944502
Data: 17-MAR-2005


   ALWIL Software
   Prubezna 76
   100 00 Prague
   Repubblica Ceca
   P.IVA: CZ530111112

Dati del cliente:

   C.V.R. sas di Angelo Caretto
   angelo caretto
   73019 TREPUZZI

   P.IVA: IT02213840750

Quantità Descrizione Prezzo netto IVA % Totale

1 x avast! 4 Professional Edition, 1 year
(N. prodotto: 192878) EUR 35.95 0.00 0.00% 35.95


Tipo di pagamento: Bonifico

share-it! assumerà la procedura di ordinazione per questo ordine a nome di
ALWIL Software, Repubblica Ceca.

Ora mi succede che il programma non riesce piu ad aggiornarsi perchè la licenza è scaduta ,ma questo non è vero .
Volete cortesemente provvedere a sitemare questo errore
Grazie e distinti saluti

Could you post your question in English, please?

This is the babelfish translation

blank the invoice from you is angel caretto has acquired the Avast package for 4 number continuation order 9944502 sended to me


share-it! Number of order: 9944502
Date: 17-MAR-2005


   ALWIL Software
   Prubezna 76
   100 00 Prague
   Czech Republic
   P.IVA: CZ530111112

Data of the customer:

   C.V.R. sas of Caretto Angel
   angel caretto
   73019 TREPUZZI

   P.IVA: IT02213840750

Amount Description Price clearly Vat % Total

1 x avast! 4 Professional Edition, 1 year
(produced N.: 192878) EUR 35,95 0,00 0,00% 35.95


Type of payment: Discount

share-it! it will assume the procedure of ordinazione for this order to name of
ALWIL Software, Czech Republic.

Hour succeeds to me that the program does not succeed piu to bring up to date itself why the licence is expired,ma this is not true.
You want kindly to supply to sitemare this error
Thanks and distinguished salutes

Well, I also tried babelfish first, but didn’t help me much to understand… :-\

Hey people… :slight_smile:

This is what I got for translation…

INVOICE ======= share-it! Number of order: 9944502 Date: Producing 17-mar-2005: ALWIL Software Prubezna 76 100 00 Prague Czech Republic P.IVA: CZ530111112 Give you of the customer: C.V.R. sas of Caretto Angel angel caretto via POPE GIOVANNI XXIII° 73019 TREPUZZI Italy P.IVA: IT02213840750 Amount Description Price clearly Vat % Total ========================================================================= 1 x avast! 4 Professional Edition, 1 year (produced N.: 192878) 35,95 EUR 35,95 0,00 0,00% ========================================================================= 35,95 TOTAL EUR =========== Type of payment: Discount share-it! it will assume the procedure of ordinazione for this order to ALWIL name Software, Czech Republic. Hour succeeds to me that the program does not succeed piu to bring up to date itself why the licence is expired,ma this is not true. You want kindly to supply to sitemare this error Thanks and distinguished salutes